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वाइको हथौड़ा
खुदाई घुड़सवार हाइड्रोलिक हथौड़ा
ऑगर ड्रिल रिग
दोहरी शक्ति सिर

 This series of vibratory hammer has specially designed electric motor, which could greatly reduce fault operation of the machine and extend the life span of the equipment.


1.Easy operated and Easy maintained.


2.Versatile. Could be applied to gravel pile,sand pile.sheet pile and so on.


3.An ideal piling equipment for bridge, port,railway,road's construction work.

आपूर्तिकर्ता मूल्यांकन
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मूल्यांकन रिपोर्ट
साइट विज़िट पर आधारित गहरी रिपोर्ट 
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